Tax Due Dates
Don’t miss another tax deadline again. If you are unsure of what to file or pay and when to do so, do not hesitate to give us a call.

Government assistance/funding announced for NZ Businesses
More Government assistance and grant funding announced for NZ Businesses
Grant Funding for Businesses:
This latest round of Government business support includes grant funding through the Regional Business Partner (RBP) programme.…

Complimentary Business Continuity Webinar
We recently hosted a complimentary business continuity planning webinar. The purpose of the webinar was to:
Help you build resilience in your team and family at this time.
Outline the things you should consider now to minimise the…

Companies Act Changes April 2020
The Government are proposing temporary changes to the Companies Act to help companies who may be facing insolvency due to Covid-19, to remain viable and keep New Zealanders in jobs.
Whilst it is inevitable that some businesses will go into…

$6.25b Government-backed Loan Scheme
Finance Minister Grant Robertson recently announced more information about the Government-backed loan scheme.
The scheme is designed to help small and medium sized businesses obtain loans more easily from their banks to meet the operational…

Client Information & Business Continuity Plan
Important information for our clients at this unprecedented time
The impacts of Covid-19 on health and business are evolving fast. Currently, we are prioritising helping our clients who have the greatest need. So, if you need urgent help,…