Tax Due Dates

Tax Due Dates

Don’t miss another tax deadline again. If you are unsure of what to file or pay and when to do so, do not hesitate to give us a call.

20-May PAYE Employer deductions due (all employers)
RWT RWT on Interest payments due
30-May Provisional tax 1st Instalment for December balance dates
2nd Instalment for August balance dates
3rd Instalment for April balance dates
GST Payment due
31-May FBT Quarterly and Annual Returns due
7-Jun PAYE Employer deductions due (large employers*)
20-Jun PAYE Employer deductions due (all employers)
RWT RWT on Interest payments due
28-Jun Provisional tax 1st Instalment for January balance dates
2nd Instalment for September balance dates
3rd Instalment for May balance dates
GST Payment due
5-Jul PAYE Employer deductions due (large employers)
7-Jul Provisional tax Tax returns due for those not linked to a Tax Agent or do not have an extension of time
20-Jul PAYE Employer deductions due (all employers)
RWT RWT on Interest payments due
FBT Quarterly return due
28-Jul GST Payment due
5-Aug PAYE Employer deductions due (large employers)
22-Aug PAYE Employer deductions due (all employers)
RWT RWT on Interest payments due
29-Aug Provisional tax 1st Instalment for March balance dates
2nd Instalment for November balance dates
3rd Instalment for July balance dates
GST Payment due
5-Sep PAYE Employer deductions due (large employers)
20-Sep PAYE Employer deductions due (all employers)
RWT RWT on Interest payments due
28-Sep Provisional tax 1st Instalment for April balance dates
2nd Instalment for December balance dates
3rd Instalment for August balance dates
GST Payment due
5-Oct PAYE Employer deductions due (large employers)
20-Oct PAYE Employer deductions due (all employers)
RWT RWT on Interest payments due
FBT Quarterly return due
28-Oct Provisional tax 1st Instalment for May balance dates
2nd Instalment for January balance dates
3rd Instalment for September balance dates
GST Payment due
7-Nov PAYE Employer deductions due (large employers)
21-Nov PAYE Employer deductions due (all employers)
RWT RWT on Interest payments due
28-Nov Provisional tax 1st Instalment for June balance dates
2nd Instalment for February balance dates
3rd Instalment for October balance dates
GST Payment due
5-Dec PAYE Employer deductions due (large employers)
20-Dec PAYE Employer deductions due (all employers)
RWT RWT on Interest payments due
16-Jan PAYE Employer deductions due (large employers)
Provisional tax 1st Instalment for July balance dates
2nd Instalment for March balance dates
3rd Instalment for November balance dates
GST Payment due
20-Jan PAYE Employer deductions due (all employers)
RWT RWT on Interest payments due
FBT Quarterly return due (Dec 2016)